Greasy burgers and management to match | The Coast Halifax

Greasy burgers and management to match

To the Manager with the dirty moustache at a certain fast food place: Overhearing a convo as I waited for my sandwich... when an employee simply states she is out of toonies and needs more for her till there is no reason to get pervy; changing your tone of voice and call her a naughty girl and slime your way past, putting hands on her shoulders to get around her when there was ample room bro—no need... and why is she a naughty girl? For giving change? I'd hate to see what you call her if she was late for a shift. I assume the 17-year-old girl isn't interested... but who knows... some women like a man with "power." In any case, I would have deemed that inappropriate for the workplace—check yourself and that greasy stash bro. —Patron