Moonrise Kingdom | The Coast Halifax

Moonrise Kingdom

The kids are all right

Moonrise Kingdom
Searching for that perfect dress? Doye, you already got that.

Moonrise Kingdom delivers the full Wes Anderson treatment: an ensemble cast of moody characters, stylized aesthetic and a quirky plot. Two troubled New England pre-teens—Sam (Jared Gilman), an orphan boy-scout, and Suzy (Kara Hayward), the daughter of two lawyers (Frances McDormand and Bill Murray) run away together —it’s the 1960s, so essential survival equipment includes a Francoise Hardy record. The ensuing search-party for them includes the local police (Bruce Willis), the troupe of scouts (lead by Edward Norton), and social services (Tilda Swinton)—the chase is both funny and cute. The superstar cast carries Anderson’s dry sense of humour, keeping emoting to a minimum. Moonrise Kingdom is the visual equivalent of walking into a candy store: everything is bright and enticing; not quite real, but you still want it. The characters are as affected as ever, in that way Anderson has that makes you love him or hate him; his fans will not be disappointed.