Best Dancer | The Coast Halifax

Best Dancer

Cory Bowles

MuchMoreMusic is running old episodes of the totally awesome ’80s TV show Fame, where all these crazy talented kids dance, act and sing all over cars and cafeterias. Cory Bowles would have been amazing on that show. He’s an actor who’s also a dancer. Or is he a musician who’s also a choreographer? Don’t try to classify Bowles, it will just leave your head spinning and wonder how all that talent got packed into one body. Although this past year we heard more about his band Aide-de-camp, admired his acting chops on CBC soap North/South and in the Trailer Park Boys movie, we’re really looking forward to what comes next for Bowles, including his role in the upcoming film, Poor Boy’s Game.

1st runner-up Kym Butler

2nd runner-up Sara Harrigan