More Money, More Problems | The Coast Halifax

More Money, More Problems

A big FUCK YOU to the piece of shit who smashed my cousin's car window and stole his laptop, hockey equipment and mountain bike. You are truly the scum of the earth. I hope karma finds you and leaves you with endless agony, sadness and suffering. Who the hell do you think you are? You may be able run from us, but you can't hide from Karma. I am assuming that you are some poor dope fiend who can't get a job and probably is not enrolled in a prestigious university let alone finished high school. I'm sure you hate your life and your parents are embarrassed and beyond disappointed in you for being such a fuck up. I'm sure you are well aware of the fact that my family earns 80% more than the amount you've ever had circulating in your family, which is why you like to seek out those who are blessed in the finance department. You are a shame to the human race. Enjoy your trip straight to hell, no detours. —Karma is Coming For You