Sick of the Stank | The Coast Halifax

Sick of the Stank

To the lovely couple I share an apartment with. You two have sex fairly often and I've heard you many times. That's not the issue-you're both pitching in on the rent and you do it in your room with the door shut. You have every right to have sex whenever you want. But after you finish the entire apartment reeks! When you open the bedroom door after the deed, the smell that lingers out of it is nauseating. It's not regular B.O. or shit. I can't describe it. One time I came home from work with my friend and as I approached my apartment door to go inside, a horrible odor was in the hallway!! My friend says "Ew, what the fuck stinks!". I knew exactly what it was. And sure enough, I walk in and you're both sweaty and red in the face as you come out of the bedroom for water. I don't get how a couple can smell so bad during sex. You both shower on a regular basis and neither of you smell bad any other time. Even when either of you exercise, you smell normal, so what is the deal? Is it something in your diet? Honestly, I don't know what the fuck is causing it, but I lose my appetite every time. Please go see a doctor! —Blechhh!!!