Fire Lanes Are For Fires and Emergencies | The Coast Halifax

Fire Lanes Are For Fires and Emergencies

To the incosiderate A##H@^E who willingly and blantently blocked the fire lane so he could pay a bill which will take hours if not days to process. F U even as you were told not to and that someone had actually died near or on the very spot you parked, you proceeded and left your vechicle, it took ten + minutes and other cars had to drive around yours which also caused a possible hazard to pedestrians and other cars. Next time the police will be called. I have your number dumb ass. It wasn't a busy day and many spots were open and close by. If you need an ambulance I hope some other dumb ass is there in the fire lane so you don't get help in time as it obious that you don't give a rats ass about your fellow man or woman or child. Screw you. Next time you're getting towed end of story. For the rest of you PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN OR BLOCK the fire lanes it might be you that needs the help and how is that going to look? —Tired of Idiots