Yield to On-Coming Traffic | The Coast Halifax

Yield to On-Coming Traffic

That means you fucktard. It doesn't matter that you want to get onto the highway-you have a yield. Cars already on the highway going the speed limit of 100km are not and should not slow down to let you in AND they are not obligated to change lanes so that you can. If you can't safely enter traffic then guess what, you have to stop and wait, that's right even though it's a yield you might have to stop. Don't make that mine or anyone else's problem cause it isn't-it's yours. Do I care that you might side swipe my car - not really, since I have insurance and you would be at fault. Do I care you have an erection problem with your middle finger - no I don't. It makes me laugh at how stupid you are with your arms all a flying about and your mouth all distorted. Guess what fucktard - I can't hear you. Someone's going to let you have it one day and my guess is it will be soon. Now get a driver's handbook and look up the part about yielding. It's the triangle sign you see as you are entering from an on/off ramp -fucktard. —Going 100km So Wait Your Turn