Best Party Venue | The Coast Halifax

Best Party Venue

The Lower Deck, Halifax

Gold Winner The Lower Deck, Halifax

Silver Winner The Seahorse Tavern

Bronze Winner The Marquee Ballroom

The words “oh the year was 1778” will raise the hairs on the back of the neck of any Haligonian who knows about the unspoken elements of a good maritime party. With luck, they’ll be followed by “how I wish I was in Sherbrooke now,” and a casual cheer, enthusiastic foot stomping and the decision that another round of cheap Keith’s in those stackable plastic glasses is definitely worth it. If a roof has ever been raised all the way from the basement, it definitely happened at The Lower Deck. Likely on a Sunday. Fuelled by the likes of our friend Mr. Rogers (Stan not Fred) via Signal Hill or Shaydid.