Neo hippies | The Coast Halifax

Neo hippies

I have no problem with giving median sign-flyers money when I know they are just passing through. I know they probably just need money for food and whatever while they are in a city that is not home. I also have no problem giving money to physically or mentally handicapped pan handlers who I know are unable to get a good paying job or any kind of stable living in society. HOWEVER, when I see the same guy out on the streets every day, able mind and bodied, asking for money… I get a little cranky. Because, I hate working and capitalism and all that stuff too but I still do it, and I get money for it (hurrah). But why does HE get to say, “fuck the system” on the back of his dirty jean jacket and then ask me for the money I got from said system? I guess his point is that if everyone just stopped making money through “the man” or “the system” like him, there would be no economy… WRONG! I am sorry dirty bum kid, anarchy does not mean depending on other peoples' hand-outs and then getting face tattoos. —Observer on the #7 bus