Zombie Spaceship | The Coast Halifax

Zombie Spaceship

Wasteland Patton Oswalt (Scribner)

Comic Patton Oswalt recently pissed off the nerds with a manifesto in Wired suggesting that it was time to kill off modern geek culture. Good thing he still has the alt-literary nerdlings on his side with the release of Zombie Spaceship Wasteland, a memoir, comic and bathroom reader all in one. Bouncing between gags and real-life events, Patton spends many pages reminiscing about his own childhood and teenage awkwardness; there’s even an entertaining lesson into the rules of Dungeons and Dragons for curious outsiders who want a safe distance from the role-playing game. This is where book hits its stride---a section of inappropriate Chamomile Kitten greeting cards just seems unnecessary--- as a funny poignant memory of a nerd culture that’s traded in 20-sided die and dwarves for a quick-fix console.