Soundscape pollution | The Coast Halifax

Soundscape pollution

Finally folks are back on the Common in force, enacting their right to chill and not be messed with. It's a special preserve that no rich developer can buy, no bank can rename in their glory and no advertising will be seen. It's great and for the most part people do a pretty good job sharing it respectfully.

What would be disrespectful? Any of the aforementioned endeavours to make capital gain, for sure. Blasting your own music without asking everybody in the city first whether they want to hear it? Definitely. Why then do radio stations get the privilege above all other businesses to advertise themselves with speakers on top of trucks in the guise of a tasteless block party with no guests? Trucks on the Common?! Top 40? It's not fair to subject others to what you think they want to hear.

The Oval should respect this as well, but instead as people lay reading books and children try roller skating, churlish radio hosts talk about the gnarliest place to get laid in the world and emit shrill compressed cackles over each other. The best thing about the radio is that you don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. The best thing about the Commons is that no one is allowed to blatantly advertise in your face. Radio station promoters go home!
—One of many respectful Commoners