Fuck Snow | The Coast Halifax

Fuck Snow

I hate winter, go away! You piss me off! Fuck bundling up to stay warm, getting splashed by a douche bag car driver. You are totally shivering by a coffee shop when an idiot walks by in a t shirt! You so want to say to him, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND! When it is below 10 outside. Oh, did I mention the depth of the ice puddles around HRM that you might sink or swim in, the ones that you really have to step in to get across the street! Oh yes, the uncleaned bus stops every fucking year. People pick up a fucking shovel and do your job, clean those fuckers out for those who are elderly that use the bus and others. Let's not forget to cram together for New Year's Eve to watch the free entertainment then cram on the bus on the way home! Holy Mother of Gawd this is retarded. The fucking idot that even takes that dare to stick his fucking tongue to an iron post then ends up in emergancy? Yes Winter is a fucking blast, Please next time fucking snow in Cuba! —Sick of Fucking Winter Blues turned to bitching