Taste there rainbow, baby | The Coast Halifax

Taste there rainbow, baby

To the couple sitting near myself and my friend at a certain North End restaurant on Dec. 27th: Although you may not have anything better to talk about amongst yourselves on your date night, I would recommend against targeting the unassuming queer sitting in your sight range and ear shot. While you had fun, for a time, picking apart my non-gender-conforming behaviours given my sex while I sat 6 feet away from you waiting for my friend to return to the bathroom, I did my best to hold my own space. The male of your party of 2 had a great time shredding my masculine tendencies while the woman in your duo laughed and contributed to the bloodsesh. After what felt like eternity, congratulations for finally realizing what you were doing was bullying and straight up wrong. After one of you had your epiphany, you did a juvenile and hasty attempt to undo the damage of your words by talking about how 'sick' and 'awesome' 'someone like that' must be. ...Do you have any idea what you were saying? Did you realize, halfway through, that the jokes you were slinging and laughs you were having at my expense were indeed about a living, breathing person who has every right to enjoy a meal with a loved one in peace as you do? What if I had been different in another way that wasn't so easily slaughtered? Is it because you're afraid of what you don't understand? You do realize, that my 'body language' and other behaviours are NATURAL to me, right? You do realize that this is how I was born? I hope someone who knows you reads this publication and sits you down for a long, heartfelt reality check. People are people and if you don't feel they're worthy enough to deserve your respect, they at least deserve you to let them live in peace. I'm sorry you and your girlfriend obviously have nothing of substance to talk about and have to resort to the only thing you could grasp for as a target in your immediate surrounding environment. I sincerely hope you have an experience in which you can understand the impact of the hurt you inflict on others because you're bored.
—Not sorry my queerness made you uncomfortable