Life lessons | The Coast Halifax

Life lessons

Ladies, I am going to show you all the love with this warning of caution. You might find yourself getting to know the oddball at the club or are already friends. Know this: He doesn't deserve you or your time and effort. I'm sure he's told you about his big emotional revelations these past few years and for sure he's let you know he's got your back when it comes to dealing with all the schmucks around town along with praising #MeToo survivors but it's all a facade. It's a LIE! He is dishonest, disrespectful and does not genuinely care about your health and well being. He told me he changed how he viewed life and relationships and I believed him but it's all for attention—sexual or otherwise. I had many moments of self doubt and why me because of his unbecoming behaviour and my flaw in thinking I just didn't do enough to be treated well. I was crying while he was smirking last night. 

A good friend reminded me this morning that it only took me less than a month to realize and confront his deception verses staying in it previously over a year. I guess I am stronger. We are all just trying to find our way with hope alongside the right people. Choose wisely in this small town. Self love first. —Female Warrior