Bitching in Bed | The Coast Halifax

Bitching in Bed

This bitch is to the media for scaring us all rather than informing us, and to the hypochondriacs who are taxing the health care system because of it. I have been bed-ridden for 10 days with the company of the dreaded pandemic that is coursing through the city's misinformed veins. I went to the over-run flu assessment centre and was sent on my way after a 5 hour wait and a two minute consult with a nurse because my sore throat, fatigue, cough etc. did not seem "severe enough" to be treated. Was it because I was polite in acknowledging how busy you were? Two days later I was gasping for breath in the hospital with a rising fever and the most painful coughing fits I've experienced in my life. I have no note for my professors from the hospital because they don't write sick leave notes for H1N1(I'm guessing that it's because...???). I wonder how many more people are being screwed out of proper health care and the treatment they deserve during this flu season due to misinformation. I'd also like to thank all of you people in the clinics who were giddily chatting away on your cell phones with plush colour in your cheeks, engorging yourselves on bags of fried food, no cough, no fever, and no apparent symptoms other than the ones in your heads... And now there's someone trying to tell us that we're infecting our pet cats??? Thanks a lot system. The fear mongering has really benefited us all.
--- At least my dog can't read the paper.