Picture it: I'm standing there, in a local book shop, trying to look for a book (obviously). A woman is nearby, with her 6 kids. All the kids want books. The mother says "I'm not buying books just so you kids can sit around and read all day!" - lovely example of supporting literacy these days. The mother leads her 6 kids, in single file towards where I am standing, just minding my business. I'm standing about 2-3 feet away from the bookshelf, there was tonnes of room for her and her offspring to walk behind me, but NO!! They have to walk infront of me. The mother actually stops right infront of me, her purse pushing me back. Her kids are all screaming around me. She starts scolding one child, her hair nearly rubbing my face! I clear my throat - nothing, no movement or recognition of my existence. I say "excuse me...". She turns around. She was so close to me, that while turning around, her face basically rubs all over my chest (I'm refusing to move!), and says to me, "Can't you see I'm busy?!?" I say, "I don't care. I was standing here, you could have had the basic decency to say excuse me or at least tell your children that this sort of behaviour isn't proper in a public place". She lets out a loud "UGH!" and leads her children away. 10 minutes later, I hear another woman say "Excuse me lady, if you and your children can't behave here, then you can leave!".

So, to the short, frosty-banged woman who has way too many children: Cross my path again lady, and I'll throw one of your children at you. You have 6 of them, you can spare one at least. And great fucking parenting set an amazing example for your children. No wonder they act like animals...stupid surburban bitch!
