Bastard Can Collectors | The Coast Halifax

Bastard Can Collectors

I used to think it was pretty neat that you guys would go around the night before recycling day and collect all of the pop cans that people included in their recycling. Now I want to get my hands on one of those explosive dye packs that banks put in with stolen money and throw it in my recycling so it can blow up in your stupid face. You think it's ok to take one or two pop cans out of my recycling AND my blue bag, and then leave the rest of the shit on the curb? Do you think that waste management is going to pick up the now individual recyclables? Rhetorical question; No douche-bag, they are not going to fucking pick up that shit so now it is going to get blown around the neighborhood and ran over and stepped on and made no longer recyclable.

If I ever see any of you twats pushing your cart up the road (which is meant for cars by the way, not your gypsie/nomad shopping carts) I am going to slash open all of the bags so your cans go spilling everywhere and now you can deal with that shit.

---Dave Suzuki Would be Pissed