Smoked out II | The Coast Halifax

Smoked out II

Lots of people are killed by cars...should we regulate them out of existence, too?

To the editor,

I wanted to speak up about The Coast's decision to advertise some tobacco products. I believe, as a free publication surviving on advertising dollars as its revenue stream, The Coast should be able to publish ads from whomever they like. Whatever pays the bills! Why do so many of you think you have some "right" to make a decision about another person's choice, when it comes to smoking, in the first place? The rules and regulations have gotten ridiculous. Smokers are treated like they are unclean---forced to stand in corners and alleys away from doorways. It's pathetic how some members of society are treating their fellow man.

I have no problem with smoke-free zones or non-smoking places at all. But I do believe that smokers should be able to also have places where they can light up as well. Becoming upset that tobacco products are being advertised is really getting petty. Saying or thinking these advertisments are skirting the law means what, exactly? A new or different law should be passed? It's time for us to speak out that we don't need more laws. I've had all the micro-management by government I want, thanks. Lots of people are killed by cars...should we regulate them out of existence next?

---Rick Gillis, Elmsdale