Best Activist | The Coast Halifax

Best Activist

Megan Leslie

When we find Leslie, she's busy observing at a hearing, a former case of hers in appeal. Even though she is no longer a community legal worker at Dalhousie Legal Aid---she's the recently elected NDP MP going to Ottawa in Alexa McDonough's former seat---she's still connected to the office and all the work she did for them, especially as part of the Affordable Energy Coalition, which advocates for universal affordable energy. We've made headway on affordable energy issues,” she says. Even the premier is now making announcements on energy poverty.” She hopes that even as she is on her way to Ottawa to work in government, people will still consider her an activist. It's what I am. I haven't been grooming myself as an MP, being an MP brings different responsibilities, but I have always been interested in the environment and poverty and the intersection of the two.”

1st Runner-up: Susanna Fuller

2nd Runner-up: Mark Butler