Gold Winner Stillwell Beer Bar
Silver Winner Battery Park Beer Bar & Eatery
Bronze Winner The Maxwell's Plum
How very thoughtful of you, Halifax, to bestow some gold upon Stillwell just in time for its fourth birthday. Now that the beer bar’s spunky sister location (the one you voted as the Best Patio winner) has gone into hibernation for the colder months, co-owner Laura MacDonald says it’ll be full speed ahead for planning fun stuff (like a birthday party) on Barrington Street. “The thing for us that we try to do is relationship building, getting access to different beers from across Canada and from Europe,” she says, adding that the most heart-warming pours come from the up-and-comers in the ever-growing local scene. “You have to look at the beer industry as community. No one is going to do well if we’re not holding each other up.”