Gold Winner Kathryn McCormack
Silver Winner Ben Stone
Bronze Winner Mary Fay Coady
After a few years out of the running following a hat trick, Kat McCormack has come roaring back with a gold win, though she’s a little sad her victory comes at the expense of her Zuppa Theatre co-workers Ben Stone and Mary Fay Coady: “This is a real win/lose situation for me.” She spent her summer at Shakespeare By The Sea, where her co-star in Othello—one of three productions she appeared in—was Jacob Sampson. “It was really fucking lovely to work with Jacob. When he’s on stage, he’s at 100 percent all the time,” she says. McCormack also moved into directing this year (Fringe hit Herbie Dragons; part of Zuppa’s massive This is Nowhere in September; Fox for The Villain’s Theatre this March) and has created a company with Coady and Lesley Smith called Unhinged Collective—they’re working on a corker for next year. “I’d like to thank my dad, Angus,” she says, “for always supporting me to become a teacher.”