Gold Winner Live 105 Morning Show with Jeff and Floyd, Live 105
Silver Winner Information Morning, CBC Radio One
Bronze Winner C100 Breakfast Club with Brad, Peter and Moya, C100
When they say video killed the radio star, they weren’t talking about Live 105’s morning show. There, you can lose a co-host and still come back kicking. Which is exactly what happened to Floyd. “I was pretty sad when Cub told me he was leaving, but immediately knew that I wanted Jeff to come take over as the other half of the show,” she says. “My biggest fear was that I’d get stuck with some typical ‘radio guy’ who thinks that the female co-host should just be a glorified laugh track. That’s not how I roll, and Jeff is a great complement to my often-bizarre personality. I think radio listeners in Halifax appreciate a morning show that isn’t just formulaic jokes and a basic rehash of whatever was posted on Perez Hilton last night.” And fans can expect more of the same in the future. “This year we plan on introducing some new regular segments and characters to the show, building on the awesome listener base we’re lucky to already have, and Jeff is going to work on getting the time right at least eight times out of 10. He’s not very good at reading clocks.”