Empathy, notes Glenn Andrea, has a large role to play in being a good doctor. Patients want someone “who’s going to listen to their concerns, someone who’s knowledgeable, and someone that can address their issues.” About 60 percent of his patients are university students, and after 14 years of practising medicine, the youthful, dark-haired doctor could still handily pass for one of them. Perhaps therein lies a clue as to why he keeps taking the top spot in this category. Ask him why his patients keep voting for him, and he simply says, “I hope we’re providing good service, but there must be a reader bias.” 6230 Coburg, 494-2171
1st runner-up Elisabeth Gold, 2176 Windsor, 429-5338
2nd runner-up Mark Stender, Dalhousie University
Health Services, 6230 Coburg, 494-2171