Winner by a landslide, CKDU-FM (that’s 97.5 on the dial, yo) has been providing Reverb Readers’ Poll voters with an alternative to sugary commercial sounds and Johnny Canuck’s state-run radio since 1985. The reward? Your undying love and props aplenty. Winner of the Programming/National Initiatives Award for excellence in campus and community broadcasting and, for two years straight, taker of the Campus/Community Radio Station of the Year prize from the Canadian Music Association, CKDU is the only air-space where you can catch the BBC World Service every weekday at 5pm, plus a slew of shows like Ryan’s Stupid Radio Club For Jerks, Smooth Grooves, Irish Eddy and the Highland Gac, Spinsters on Air and Voice of Eritrea. What more’s a radio listener want? Well, besides wattage? Nothing.
Runner-up: Q104