Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Posted on Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 4:00 AM

When my partner and I just wanted to have a coffee (or several) and doodle, chat or daydream together, there you were—downtown, cushy seats and funny baristas. Our families provinces away sent us gift cards every holiday so that we could have these relaxing moments. Unfortunately that seems to be over. Why, when everyone else is de-gendering their washrooms, would you go and take a step backward? —No Go

Posted on Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 4:00 AM

I call your cab company specifically because you take credit and debit, but damn does it ever come with a price. I HATE being made to feel like crap for asking to pay with a card at the end of a cab ride. If I had cash, I'd pay with cash. So when you look at me with that one raised eyebrow or that angry stare and ask if I can pay with cash instead, it doesn't get you anything but a much smaller tip. —The paying customer

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Posted on Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 4:00 AM

After all the different serving jobs my friends and I have worked, I've come to the conclusion that every restaurant owner in Halifax is a raging asshole. If you're reading this and you think you're the exception to the rule, you probably aren't. —woeful waitress

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:00 AM

If you are not capable of using the self check out at the grocery store, please don't use it. If you have a cart full of groceries, don't use the self check out. I assure you, waiting in line for the cashier will ultimately be faster for you, and bonus, everyone else will get out of the store quicker too. I really don't think this is an unreasonable request. —Not a lover of lines

Posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Your negligent owner was some distance away tying a shoelace or something. You saw me (a small grey terrier ON A LEASH) and came charging over, towering over me and forcing me to back away--you intimidated me, and my male owner wasn't happy with you either. Then you went after the woman strolling about 10' behind us, lunging against her legs, knocking her off balance, and the irritation on her face was plain to see. Yet your owner had the nerve to make a rude face at her, as she passed and asked your owner to get you under control; I half expected your owner to stick her tongue out like a 2-year-old. Neither I nor my male owner nor the woman strolling behind us welcomed your aggressive, boisterous, UNASKED-FOR attention. Not every stranger enjoying a quiet stroll in peace "loves" somebody else's aggressive dog lunging at them. PLEASE ask your owner to teach you sociable good manners and self-control around others. —You and your owner's homework assignment: figure out what a leash is for (my owner already knows)

Posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:00 AM

"Violence" means the use of physical force to harm another's body. It doesn't mean "something that upsets you." Likewise, "safety" doesn't mean "a place where your feelings won't get hurt." Strength, toughness and resolve aren't merely a virtue, they're a necessity to survive in the real world. For all your talk about how dangerous it is out here, millennials, you seem to think that being coddled is the norm. News flash: the onus isn't on the rest of us not to hurt your feelings, it's on you to be strong enough to cope with a world that rightfully doesn't cater to your every anxiety and weakness! —AND THERE ARE NO SAFE SPACES

Posted on Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Is it wrong or disturbing that I, a 21 year old woman, wants to have sex with Donald Trump? —I'd do everything to that man

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Posted on Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 4:00 AM

To the guy on the bus who "needed" to point out the available seat my backpack was on loudly to everyone on the bus: there were other seats available. I don't know what I did to offend you, but you don't know me and why I had my backpack there. I have severe arthritis and that day I could barely sit in my seat much less have a bag sit on my bad leg; it was that painful and swollen. Your declaration to the bus about my seat was rude. Do you freak out on the mothers who block three seats with their strollers too? If someone needed/asked for the seat I could have accommodated them (putting my bag on the floor was an option but not one I prefer since bending over also hurts). Just because I don't use a cane or have crutches doesn't mean I am a fully mobile individual, you jerk. I hope your self-important bus-seat policing made you feel like the "big man" you were pretending to be. To me you looked like the biggest jerk I've encountered in a long while. —Bus rider

Posted on Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Mr Bus Driver, your little power trip on April 22nd around 3:20pm caught a few of your passengers attention, mine included. "Flashing red means stop, Flashing red means stop"? You were referring to the crosswalk sign that had 15 seconds on when I checked, yet after almost running over that man who had the right of way, you wasted more time trying to prove your "wrong" point then you would have giving him the time to cross the street. You had a solid red, which does mean STOP!! Your boss should send you back to driving school so you can get your facts right. You & some ( not all) of your co- workers think you own the road and I've seen this kind of power trip before, fuck you! —Seeing a different kind of Red

Monday, April 25, 2016

Posted on Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:00 AM

I'll begin this post by stating that I am a proud feminist. I love being a feminist, and ever since I first started learning about Feminism in undergrad, I've been hooked. But what's going on with Feminism lately? It's totally disorganized and it's lost it's edge. There is no forward movement anymore - it's just a self-serving mess of half-ideas perpetuated by pseudo-feminists who've read some articles on Buzzfeed but have never heard of Kimberle Crenshaw. And you know what sucks the most about this "new wave" of Feminism? As a collective, it might actually be true that we are "those women" who conservative men love to bitch about. On social media - the only place that matters these days - we are dismissive, exclusive and intolerant. We bitch about everything, but don't actually do anything. So what's happening? Here's my two cents: The only people feminists are talking to these days are other feminists. And isn't that defeating the purpose of a social movement? If I know what I'm talking about, and YOU know what I'm talking about, then why are we talking to each other? We should be out there talking to and educating people who don't get it yet. Men who bitch about the word "Feminism", like "It's an exclusive word, it's for man-haters, it doesn't include me." Well, what if they're onto something? I'm going to say it: Maybe we should change the word "Feminism". The obvious response is to say that people who think this are the people who need the word "Feminism" the most. I know that, and YOU know that. But we're Feminists. What if the best way to get through to non-feminists is to approach it from a different angle? Feminism has evolved so much over the years that the word doesn't really encapsulate all that it means anymore, anyway. And if our REAL goal is to change people's minds and get people on board, then maybe we need to listen to the masses and make a risky move. Maybe it's time for a fresh start. —Intersectional Feminist Humanist