Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Posted on Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 2:00 PM

They think with me it’s like some movie, like it’s some life-changing script for the benefit of, of, of the audience…. Maybe they think they’re my audience and maybe I don’t know.

But shut your mouth, John. Stop looking at me like that, Jane! Because well hey there, the theatre lights just flickered, came back on, out, on, out, on and on and on and each time is another end but maybe you would call it a beginning. All I know’s that in the blink of an eye there’s a thousand little suicides. And I’d like to spit in this cat’s eye.

Go ahead and call it poetic, dramatic, unsettling, go ahead. I dare you. Just remember that you can also choose truth in this game, and that’s when you’ll know that I’m not anyone’s character and if this is a movie then we’ve hit the credits, rolling on and on, trying to give meaning to the scene, trying to name each and every…on and on until finally turned off. —I am fine. Please stop asking.

Posted on Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 4:00 AM

I am so sick of listening to people lie and make themselves feel better by trying to make others look bad. Yes you do drugs while your kids are home, yes you drink and drive…with your kids in the car. You are a slut and you sleep around and lie about it. It makes me sick that you keep saying, "Oh I have this great job." So what, you were on welfare for years, you've always been called a whore, you are loud and everyone hates you. You lie and use your kids. You need to grow the fuck up and focus on yourself, instead of telling me about the things I've done wrong. You are a sorry excuse for a mother. You have low self esteem, no wonder you suck dick for grams. —Wish people would at least be real

Monday, June 29, 2015

Posted on Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 4:21 PM

My friend suggests that there is no carpet anymore, but as a biological blond, I can't help notice that a lot of people are not blond, although they attempt to colour their hair to appear so. To let these people know: You ain't foolin' nobody—the carpet just don't match the curtains.

As a blond, I am biased, but yeah, it's a good look. And yeah, I am having a riot. So I cant blame those, who pose, but I find it less than sincere. It is OK for Halloween, kids, but why not work with the hand you were dealt?

I dunno, maybe I should trademark being blond to keep you rascals honest? —Guero

Friday, June 26, 2015

Posted on Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 4:00 AM

The title is a quote from the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act. So, I recently moved to North Street and I find myself  in awe of how many drivers just mow through the crosswalk across North connecting Maynard and Fuller Terrace. To get to work, I must deal with this piece of pavemented hell every afternoon. It seems like every day I am waiting between three to five minutes for someone to do the legal thing and give me right of way. A red light at Agricola often happens first before I can get on with my day. You are legally responsible to stop in a marked crosswalk. Did you know that? Yeah, I watch you as you drive towards the bridge and hardly any of you trolls even give a glance of your surroundings as you pass me by. I've got a notepad ready for tomorrow for your license plate numbers. Consider yourself warned. —Lady Giving You a Sarcastic Thumbs Up With 311 on Speed Dial

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Posted on Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:00 AM

The on-ramp from Barrington Street to get on the Macdonald Bridge is one lane, until the top. It is clearly marked. I know you all think that squeezing over to be able to make two lanes is just being friendly to the other drivers, especially in rush hour traffic, but it is actually a potential hazard. The ramp is wide, yes, but not for you to squeeze two lanes in. It’s so that, heaven forbid, an emergency vehicle needing to get by in a hurry can pass through. Just imagine if that ambulance is carrying your chid, or loved one, or on the way to go save their life from an accident or such. You would want them to get up that ramp as quickly as possible. Stop honking at me, like I AM the one doing something wrong. KEEP IT ONE LANE PEOPLE! —Annoyed with commuters

Posted on Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:00 AM

Why is it you prefer renting to students—who trash your apartments and leave you eight months in to find new tenants, year after year—and cats—who piss and shit inside—over dogs? —Good Dog Owner

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted on Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 4:00 AM

We have been here for three years trying to take a stab at the "Film Industry" in NS. Believe me, I've done my share of proactive marketing to the small group of key players. It would have been great to mentor our peers and students and network with film school's faculty.

Three day calls a year, or one day as an extra does not make you a film industry worker, sorry. And sadly, it isn't looking good for film students in Halifax either.

My story is simply just one of many.

We understand the pool is shallow. We understand that opportunities are few, and budgets are small. They should not be "non-existent" (in the sense that we are familiar with the "film industry"). Two fog machine rentals, a couple of lights, or a (paid) video shoot, or a union day-call or two between my wife and I would have made a difference...but the demand just isn't here, and more specifically, there's no demand for us.

We have real production experience. With real contacts. I do not call myself a "writer, director, producer, editor," although in this province, everyone seems to be. My wife is currently working in BC and employing three Scotian's in fact.

The logistics to move our production companies are a nightmare, and it will be very expensive—again thanks to the Liberals.

If I call a contact in British Columbia or Toronto, my call gets returned in less than ten minutes. If we call or email a person or a production here, it doesn't get returned at all. And that was yesterday.

That is what we are used to from our film industry. Not here.

My point is, we had hoped we didn't have to uproot and leave, sell our home (an awesome filming location) and figure out the business logistics all over. For the second time in only three years. Thank you, Liberals (but clearly they are not totally to blame).

I haven't seen my wife or daughter for nearly a year, because instead of being on a (paid) professional film crew, I fix toilets here in NS. (She supports our mortgage in NS working in BC, with a crew from here, by the way.) Productions in BC for the most part cover our expenses in BC. The only way we can afford to still live here what with the ridiculous level cost of utilities and the HST in Nova Scotia. I guarantee that no production manager would ever cover those costs on a show in this province.

We came here in 2012 when film crashed in BC. Friends lost their homes, their jobs, and their spouses. We didn't come here to "steal film jobs from people," but quite frankly we will always be tagged as "from away" and looked upon negatively. Not only I suspect because of our resumes, but our last name as well. Since that time we've had our business cards thrown down to the ground in front of us, ignored at the union offices, and for the most part, pretty much asked "when are we leaving?"

And keeping in mind - this is being said from working professionals in an industry that are, or may one day be in a position to hire them. I for one will remember all of their names.

That is a horrible way for a small province to grow and learn. And sadly, that is the word that will continue to get out to a larger, yet very,very small global industry. We are already telling producers and shows not to come here.

And we aren't the only ones with similar stories.

There's a reason why the film industry, in a larger major motion picture sense, isn't here, and in my opinion won't be anytime soon.

Good luck with your film career in Halifax. By the sounds of things you'd like to keep us all out anyhow.

Mission accomplished #NSFILM. —REEL FILM GUY

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Posted on Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 4:00 AM

You ever zoom-out for a sec, register all those little details that pollute our incessant minds, your inane personal history and personality and realize that none of it REALLY matters in the scheme of things? THIS is why there has been a pursuit of meaning among the bored and disillusioned for thousands of years - because there clearly ISN'T any, at least of a sort that makes sense to the wormish human race. There's both a weird relief in this realization and a damp disappointment, like a fire-cracker that was supposed to light-up and dazzle but just fizzes out and dies instead. Many believe Life's an 'organism' of some kind - maybe... a neurotic mentally-retarded voyeur that never shuts the fuck up and dies... And yet they continually insist that they are 'special 'r 'divine in origin. Still afraid of the empty darkness.... —I don't mind and I don't care either...

Posted on Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 4:00 AM

Lately everybody is screaming for more money and even some of the politicians are proposing enormous minimum wage increases. In a recent copy of the Coast, a $20/hour minimum was suggested. Everybody wants to make big bucks, but nobody has given any thought to where that money is coming from. Yes some business can afford to pay employees more, but lots of small businesses can barely keep their doors open as it is. Increased wages means increased operating cost and that means reduced profits or higher prices. I don't see very many businesses claiming they make too much money. In fact, over the last few years branches from some businesses have closed not because they are losing money, but because they aren't making enough. A so called living wage for everybody would be wonderful, but raising the minimum wage will force up prices or increase unemployment. So the next time you demand a higher wage give some thought as to where the money is coming from. —Tired of Hearing It

Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted on Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 4:00 AM

this is a bitch and a love all in one. pothole crews: you did a great job fixing the roads this spring. just as i was about to come up upon my daily dodge on potholes i had previously mentally noted, it would be filled! hooray! then i would meet another pothole a week later, same vintage as the others, similarly sized as the others, just 20 feet away from the newly filled ones, sadly, left unfilled. i go back to sad and angry. i'm not sure who plots out these things and not sure how you can do such a good job in one spot and neglect entirely another within view of the first. but it happened. so i guess all i can say is keep up the good work. you're not done yet. —downtown leroy brown