Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Friday, August 30, 2019

Posted By on Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:15 PM

I sure hope the Editor PRINTS this, since you're too stupid to use the internet! You told everyone that you were getting your knee fixed, and you were going to get a job. But you are a liar. You got your knee fixed, and continue to stand out there in front of the stores at the business park, drinking and being nasty to people, begging for money that you don't really need or deserve. You have done nothing but lie to everyone. Why you are allowed to continue to stand there, when most of the employees at all the stores can't stand you because of the way you behave and verbally bash people, is beyond comprehension. Time for you to grow up and go away, you lying drunk!
—Everyone Shopping There

Posted By on Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 9:47 AM

Stop using the croaky voice! You people who use it sound like you're on your deathbed. It's like someone is pulling the words out of your mouths one at a time. It does not make you sound cool. You sound like a fool. The croaky voice is only acceptable when you're laying in bed just waking up.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Posted By on Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 3:02 PM

Throw more asphalt and concrete at it? I think those 40-foot long asphalt ramp thingies on South Park Street are raised bike lanes, and now there are four-inch-high concrete bollards along the rest of SP Street as well. I left work at noon today, and the buses and big trucks going opposite ways could barely squeeze past each other without scraping their sides. How is reducing SP St. to a single lane in either direction going to solve traffic congestion? It won't. Every time a bus stops, traffic will get backed up behind it—and I've heard that city hall wants to reduce Spring Garden Road to a single lane in either direction as well. Are they insane?

I hate motorists as much as the next bloke, but they have to drive and park SOMEWHERE. And I can see those asphalt ramps and bollards getting smoked by the first snowplow that passes them this winter. And when the city demolishes the Cogswell Interchange? Best dust off your sturdiest walkin' shoes, folks, 'cuz it'll be the only way to get around that won't make you bonkers over the next five years!
—Glad I'm A Lifelong Non-driver

Posted By on Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM

I realize that I had parked in a no-parking zone. I drove around three times to try to find a legit parking space, but was running out of time. You see, two days ago I miscarried. As I was driving down Vernon to get to work, I finally got a call that my emergency ultrasound was scheduled (which I had been waiting for for days), but I had to get to the hospital in 30 minutes and drink two-to-three litres of water beforehand. I finally decided to park in a no-parking, put my four-ways on and run into the store to get water. I saw you, was nowhere near you when I opened my door, yet you still yelled at me with all the hate and anger you could muster. It left me shook.

Maybe I am a “FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.” But I don’t think I’ve ever met one person who has followed the rules of the road 100 percent all of the time, including you I’m sure. A little compassion goes a long way—and you made an already stressful situation almost unbearable. And I want you to know that.

To the person who wrote “You are awesome!” and “Have a wonderful day!” in chalk on University Avenue: Thank you. I truly needed to read that today!
—No Parking, No Options

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Posted By on Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 3:46 PM

I was on the #10 going home late afternoon, and you boarded the bus with your one-year-old, who immediately began screaming bloody murder. Your immediate response was to quickly dial something up on your smart (?!) phone and hold it in front of his face for the entire duration of the trip. He sat slack-jawed and glazed-eyed, slumped in his stroller for the rest of the journey. From Barrington to the Bridge Terminal in Dartmouth, he literally did not blink once. Do you realise that you're messing with the delicate neuro-circuitry of your baby's developing brain? It's appalling that Gen Z kids are drugging their babies with smart phones like a narcotic, propped against their eyeballs, to comfort or silence them: trying to fill their gaping lack of parenting skills.
—Crabby Commuter

Posted By on Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 12:36 PM

I'll never understand how people can stand at a bus stop for 15 minutes, and it's only when the bus has pulled up and opened its door that they think to start looking in their wallet, purse, backpack, etc. for their bus pass or change. It's like, what the hell were you thinking about for the past 15 minutes? What was going through your pea brain all that time? Then of course the bus driver, and everybody else on the bus, has to sit and wait for you to get your shit together and show your pass to the driver before we can move the fuck on to the next bus stop. Get your shit together and have that shit ready to go before the bus pulls up, and stop wasting everybody's time!
—Idiots Everywhere

Friday, August 23, 2019

Posted By on Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 12:41 PM

This weekend I saw people peacefully showing support for the protests in Hong Kong. Opposite them, and outnumbering significantly, were international students trying to drown them out with patriotic Chinese songs/chants, distributing Chinese Communist Party propaganda, and physically blocking the HK supporters with Chinese flags and their bodies. I don’t know what the conversion rate is on their Social Credit Score back home for displaying CCP brainwashing here, but trying to suppress others is counter to everything Canada stands for.

Posted By on Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 9:36 AM

Never did I think I would be a certified Halifax Angry Bike Person complaining to The Coast, but here I am. To whoever thought it would be good idea to extend the bus stop sidewalk four feet into the street on South Park Street, I sincerely wish you had not suggested this. Not only did the city yeet the bike lanes away, it now makes it dangerous to ride a bike because you have to avoid the sidewalk that pops out into the street. Once again, Halifax has robbed bikers of beloved bike lanes.
—First-time Angry Biker

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Posted By on Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 2:18 PM

You think that it’s OK to hold children from someone who has done nothing, just because you feel like it. You hurt a five-year-old in the process by taking his brothers away just because you feel like it, and you didn’t fix your child’s teeth instead you went to Europe. I hate you. I wish I could never see you again. It’s too bad that your mom has cancer and not you.
—The Biggest Bitch On The Earth

Posted By on Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 10:11 AM

Poly-ticks. Sigh. So another election is approaching, and again there will be endless rhetoric about poor voter turnout. There will also be the "if you don't vote…" guilt trips:

If you don't vote you don't get to complain.

If you don't vote you're disrespecting the people who gave their lives for our freedom.

If you don't vote then it's a vote for the Libs/Con/NDP/New&ImprovedRefoooormParty.

Horseshit, I say. These are not reasons to vote. They are thinly veiled threats to distract you from the valid feeling that there is no one worthy of your vote.

If voting is so damn terrific. then why aren't the so-called leaders doing more to earn our vote rather than spewing the same half-truths and nonsense as every other election. It's the members of the political parties who are "disrespecting those who gave their lives" as they don't show enough integrity to warrant buying an apple from them, let alone be our provincial or federal leaders. Therefore undeserving of your vote.

We should expect more from the candidates if they want our precious X on a ballot. Time to step up!
—None Of The Above [X]