Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:44 AM

HEY halifax police, get off you're jolly old assess & try doing your job for five minutes. I mean, you'll certainly do your job for someone known, of high social status, etc.. but what about drug addicts, prostitutes, or even the dealers & johns.

A person is a person, rich, poor, good, bad, black, white, gay, straight, whatever. Yes, "hookers" and "junkies" do tend too put themselves in high risk situations, so you see it as reasonable too put minimal work into the investigations in their deaths because, you think nobody notices, well WE , the "street people" certainly do, and I for one will not rest until you get the fuck out of Tim Hortons and do some REAL IN DEPTH police work. —a former


Posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:14 AM

While I enjoy the vibrancy and life the returning students bring to the neighbourhoods surrounding Halifax's universities my blood pressure is starting to rise this week with the amount of litter already accumulating in my neighbourhood.

The houses where it's most appalling are the ones full of the pseudo hippy/hipsters who are all preachy about cars and oil spills and global warming yet can't pick up their empties, Tim Hortons cups, fast-food wrappers, butts and assorted junk.

Come on students! There are no garbage fairies here and your mommy isn't around to clean up after you. As a favour to those of us who live here year around please keep your adopted neighbourhood clean! —Not the garbage fairy aka The Master of Shame


Posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:03 AM

People who push through the yellow light in heavy traffic and wind up cutting off the intersection for everyone else should be gassed.

The whole "Imma-just-look-straight-ahead" routine doesn't make you invisible, or move your fucking car.

We can all see you... and we all hate you. —Stuck on Green


Monday, August 30, 2010

Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:01 PM

I work in an office where I have to deal with different providers of goods and services. It is interesting that most times when I place an order for goods or services there is the attitude of not caring about the order... like "we're so well off in this little berg that we don't really need your order or could care less how efficiently it is delivered or whether it is done right".

Maybe the size of the order is small (and yes I understand that a lot of businesses find small orders to be a nuisance)... but....this is 2010... the Great Recession... etc!!!! So shouldn't client service be of utmost importance? —Grump


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:58 PM

For the record:

Your manipulation of this entire situation makes you a massive douche. What happened today reads like a scene from a lame soap opera...

Just a thought - maybe you should take some of that precious time of yours to apologize to the person you've wronged instead of going out of your way to stir up shit in other people's lives.

Or maybe tearing happy couples apart is something you get off on... You're obviously a fucked up, insecure asshole. I can't wait to name a strain of herpes after you, you ass-hat. —Dumb Struck Friend


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Whatever happened to librarians who spoke softly and (carried a big stick)?

This one carried a big mouth and stuck it into every molecule of the air at Spring Garden library. Projecting about five levels above normal in the stacks (a place where people are concentrating--locating, perusing, reading) and continuing her love affair with hearing herself echo above the din of a supposedly subdued space in the main library behind the returns desk, she made me wish for the ones with buns and lowered glasses who used to purse their lips with index finger erect.

Do they not train librarians to set the example to maintain a relatively quiet space for study and concentration, meditative reading and thinking? This one belongs elsewhere; she is a fish flopping phonetically out of calm waters. —AnnoyingNoisePollution


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:46 PM

This is not so much of a "bitch" as a heartfelt concern and fear.

Now that Halifax is bubbling with thousands of university students and young family cyclists with baby(ies) in carriers on board on back, I have false expectations appearing real (FEAR) as a car driver. I try to ride my bicycle as much as possible but sometimes I take the car.

I have known three university students killed or seriously injured at crosswalks. I know the rules and I know who will be charged in case of a death and I also know who will be dead--the pedestrian or the "liddle chillen".

On the subject of crosswalks, I like the poster talking about the scramble system but, in the meantime, please, pedestrians, stick your arm out before descending to the curb (just in case the car driver doesn't see you) and parents, could you launch a bright red flag or piece of material off the back of your baby carrier and possibly a big bright sign (Baby on Board) on the back of the carrier? —Hopingtopreventdeaths


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:37 PM

My roommates and I have noticed that on a regular basis a horde of hippies have taken to playing the bongo drums very loudly around the city, particularly in the commons which is close to where we live.

Get over it hippies, no one wants to hear your incessant drumming. It’s disruptive, annoying and it’s giving me a headache! I hear jobs are nice things to get. —Bitter about Bongos


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:34 PM

Dear asshole at Long Lake:

I love dogs. You love dogs. What I don't like is when your 3 big black dogs that you've taken for a dip overrun me and my friends, get our shit soaked and EAT OUR FOOD. This could have been made at least a little easier for us had you apologized (since you were watching it happen). But no, sadly, you're just an asshole. —Gonna put a leash on you


Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:33 PM

Check out the new bus schedule... its fucked. —B
