Halifax West poll pits Megan Leslie against Peter Kelly | News | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Halifax West poll pits Megan Leslie against Peter Kelly

Residents of the federal electoral riding of Halifax West are reporting that they have been polled about a possible contest between sitting MP Megan Leslie and Halifax mayor Peter Kelly.

Thing is, Leslie doesn't represent Halifax West, so such a race is all but impossible. Leslie is the rep for the Halifax riding, which consists of a crescent from the peninsula, through Spryfield and down to Sambro. Halifax West runs from a line close to Kelly's home in Bedford, stretching through Clayton Park and down to Prospect.

Kelly says he is "often" asked to run for federal office---by "both the Conservatives and the Liberals, and provincially, for PC leadership"---but he has no idea who is behind the latest polling. He seems as perplexed as anyone that the poll would pit him against Leslie in Halifax West, and while cagey, Kelly implies that he's committed to serving out his term as mayor, precluding any run for higher office before 2012.

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