Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 12:42 PM

To the cafes around this town that have decided it is beyond their capability to butter a bagel, but will hand you a hand-wrapped cube of butter (something that likely took longer than buttering my bagel as requested): You must be curing cancer. How busy are you, really? I see you. You aren't that busy. Your cafe is empty, my bagel is crumbly, neither of us are happy here. Just butter my fucking bagel and we will continue this struggle of a relationship.
—Signed, bitter about butter

Posted By on Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 12:40 PM

Like honestly folks, here's the elephant in the room: Our lovely home feels the need to dump endless amounts of cashola into needless crap (ahem, it's a good percentage of YOUR paycheque) like stadiums, signage for BS smoking spots and so forth. Have we totally forgotten or are just most of us unaware of the ridiculous amounts of unknown suicides related to mental health issues? And no, I'm not talking about depression and anxiety. Yes, I'm well aware these people suffer but so do 99% of the general public. I'm more so talking about severe, life-long conditions such as psychosis-related issues, personality disorders and so forth.
I'm not well versed in rocket appliances and I'm nowhere near a scientologist but I'd be willing to bet the back 40 on the fact that some of the homeless in the HRM suffer from some sort of mental illness. They are out there with little to no help. Hell, me being one of them, I cannot even get into therapy or get the support I need. There's guys out there that have cut their own fingers off being careless that receive crazy disability tax benefits and I'm trying to rob Joey to pay Ryan to get some Alpo so I'm not hungry. Like come on here, we have to all take a sit down and stop brushing off this huge issue. Almost all mental illnesses are treatable. And I'm not talking about pills galore. Proper nutrition, hydration, excercise and good therapy. Let's take some of our public funds and help our fellow person. Look at it as a long term investment. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and that my two cents for today. Or should I say five cents. We have to round up now apparently.
—A dude with a dog

Posted By on Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 12:32 PM

The Nova Scotia Advocate reported "eight pedestrians hit in a 24-hour period" yesterday and I am shaking my head as a pedestrian at the complete disregard for my well being tonight.
You, a male driver, in a company security vehicle turning on to Gottingen Street from the MacDonald Bridge close to midnight, did NOT stop for the clearly marked and lit-up crosswalk sign and me, waiting to cautiously cross.

And you know why right? You were on your cell phone, not paying attention, asshole. I'll assume the next car behind ya didn't give a damn either but I will give thanks to the third car that stopped to let me cross like a decent human being. I am so tired of drivers not obeying traffic signals, as this is a regular occurrence EVERY DAY. What does it take, police patrol at every intersection? Heavy fines? Suspended Licence? Jail time?
—Not dead yet

Posted By on Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 12:24 PM

To the woman that pulled over your black minivan at the bus stop at the corner of Dunbrack and Main streets one morning this weekend to get out, open the hatchback and beat your dog: Shame on you!
You are lucky I am not of the generation that has the reflex to pull out a phone and videotape, because that poor pup would be taken away from you! As for your excuse, "I'm just punishing him for getting into something he shouldn't be", then don't put stuff he shouldn't have near him! As for, "It's only what his mother would do", NO! His mother would grab his scruff and give a shake, NOT hit him several times, so hard that I could hear the smacks across four lanes. How ironic that a mother dog, aka bitch, punishing its pup, is more humane than you. It's probably a good thing that I froze in anger and yelled at you, otherwise I'd be standing in front of a judge with an assault charge—and I would NOT be apologizing!
—Angry old bitch

Monday, November 19, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 12:10 PM

Every single cab in this city is busy every single weekend, and, for some reason, we still don't have Uber. Let's get Uber, or more cabs to accommodate this city's population. The amount of times I've received a recorded message from cab companies this fall telling me that the number was unavailable is ridiculous. And it's not at 2 or 3am in the morning when the bars are emptying out: It occurs anytime there is a minor event in this city or the slightest inclement weather. People are trying to get around safely and responsibly and we don't have enough cabs to do so. Maybe Uber isn't the solution, but something has to be done.
—We're a big girl now

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 12:08 PM

Hey The Coast, since you took away our anonymous accounts commenting on everything has gone way down. I often type a comment, only to run into the "log in with facebook or twitter" window, and then close it with disgust, abandoning my input. This sucks and I find it stifling.—Anonymous

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 12:02 PM

So I read a HUGE article about SOO in The Coast today. Apparently they're against immigrants, yet Mr. Rushton says they're not racist. Well, fuck you Mr. Rushton and SOO. I'm not racist, I'm just stating my views!
—Muslim, Immigrant and Arab

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:53 AM

To the pedestrians that like to play traffic cop and try to wave cars through AFTER they stop for them at a crosswalk: Just cross the street already! What a waste of time for me to be sitting there in my car, waiting for you to cross, while you flail your arms at me instead of getting your ass across the street. I'm not going to break the law just because you, for some reason, want me to go before you. You're probably the same people that stop their cars at a green light.
—I already stopped, just goooo

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:51 AM

British Columbia is introducing a ride sharing legislation in November, meaning there'll be room for Lyft and Uber to follow. The friggin' NDP government? As a forward-thinking liberal government, why are you failing behind the NDP?
—City boy

Posted By on Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:47 AM

Hey everyone at the gas stations who like to hang out and puff away near the doorway: Guess what? There's a new law about smoking. Please read and heed it. But here's something else: It's illegal to smoke less than 90m from a doorway. I don't want to inhale your disgusting smoke when I go to pay for my gas. You people have smoked away all your brains, I think.
—I like my lungs