Lets not stay broken-up | Love the Way We Love

Friday, August 19, 2016

Lets not stay broken-up

Posted on Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 4:00 AM

I sat in my cozy Halifax home, and read loves about missing the city I had ceased to appreciate. Now that I've spent some long months on the other coast I'm here to contribute. Halifax—I'm sorry I stopped considering you and your potential every morning when I woke up, and that I thought your cafes were trying to hard or not trying hard enough. I'm sorry I cursed your rainy season and didn't just go out and buy a better rain jacket, and that I spent more time planning going away than appreciating where I was. More than anything, I can't wait to roll around in your Common, eat ice cream on stoops, recognize faces on the street, smell your harbor and find shows down alleyways. You were always more than enough for me. I'll treat you better this time. —Halionian

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