I have a bitch to some but a love for Halifax Transit | Love the Way We Love

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I have a bitch to some but a love for Halifax Transit

Posted on Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 4:00 AM

Was I on a packed bus with bums in face because I was lucky to get a seat? Yes. Was the driver of said bus calm and collected and drove that bus? Of course. Why is there so much bitching about transit when clearly it’s only mother nature to blame. Halifax Transit drivers, in my experience are courteous, friendly and precisely handle their job of difficult conditions and difficult people with the kindest execution of the roads that we all have no choice about. There are obstacles on our roads that no iPhone or degree could navigate. A huge props to our beloved drivers of transit that are also victims of winter but step up —Keep Keeping on  Folks of Our City

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