I'm a Changed Person | Love the Way We Love

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm a Changed Person

Posted on Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 3:00 PM

Most times, in the last few years I wait for a movie to come out on DVD to watch it. I like seeing a movies on the big screen but I've come to abhor the experience of going to the theater. The refreshment staff numbingly shuffling the sheeple through the line with the same ole schtick, upsize this, extra butter that, next please..... $40, $50, $60 dollars!!! omg, the stress of spending. As i say, i like the big screen show but hate the, what feels like; a scam experience to drain my bank account as much as possible. IF i did go out to see a movie i'd typically go to the crossing. WOW! no longer! That's all changed now, thanks to the BLIP SB Theater! I happened to get talked into seeing a movie on the weekend with some friends (not that 50SoG drivel). Reluctantly, i agreed. At the crossing it's like being a disaster victim waiting for FEMA to help; The long slow lines, the poor service and feeling like i was worth nothing more than the money they could squeeze out of me. It was busy when we showed up with people lined up almost to the door. After a minute or so, i noticed there was one young man who kept calling out for the next guest. I'm always suspicious of a line that moves to fast. i don't like to wait forever in line but i don't like to be shuffled through without much care either. Typical to my crossing experience. However, the young man that met us (initials RA) was probably the best serviceman I've ever come across. He met us with a smile, some small talk about the movie we were seeing and made the refreshment purchase a delight. He was funny, charming, and kind. I saw the customers served by RA before us, they had kids. Obviously RA has kids as well. he was engaging to the children and parents all while serving them their food. This staff member, imo, is the very best investment the theater ever made. Even if the theater went broke, had to show one movie all day everyday, in a tent, RA would make you feel as though you were lucky to be there and see it. Once seated and tucked into the show, i realized that i was oddly happy and enjoyed just sitting there waiting for the start of the movie. I'm usually a little sour from the experience but, not this time. I didn't care that i just spent half a days wage on refreshment. RA made me feel entitled and happy to be there. I don't know how he did it but i do know that it was a genuine experience. (i've worked in sales my whole life and you can't bullsh*t a bullsh*tter). I'm now a scene member, getting discounts and earning free movies and will only go to the BLIP theater and will only go to the station with this fine human behind it. I am a changed person and i'm proud to say I love love love going to the show again. Thank you RA. You are the Best!!! And to the management at SBT, Give this man a raise, either money or position or BOTH!!!! If more staff were trained like this, no one would rent a movie again. —We all end up end up

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