Reclaimed Heart, Renewed Soul | Love the Way We Love

Monday, August 12, 2013

Reclaimed Heart, Renewed Soul

Posted on Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM

He stole my heart. I thought he was the one for me but now I see the feelings were never mutual. The attraction he had for me was purely physical but he put on a good show for a man who said he never wanted to break my heart.

It's been more than two months since I've heard from him and I've been coping with the mixed up feelings. I didn't understand what happened, why all of a sudden he disappeared.

I heard the other day he has a girlfriend and I almost broke down. I was in love this man forever, blinded by feelings and couldn't see what was right in front of me. Why did I give him so much time if he never gave it in return?

I didn't lose my composure... I started picking up the pieces and truly moving on with my life as I should have done a long time ago. I won't stop living or loving, because life is too short. I will not allow this to ruin meb ecause I've been through much worse. What I will do is learn from my mistake and keep bettering myself as a person.

I'm at peace with you, wherever you are. I don't hold grudges, they are far too heavy. May you find happiness though I wish it could have been with me. I believe that is your loss because I am an amazing woman and lover. If you ever need to find me it should be easy... you're welcome here but be prepared for some questions. —fun sized moxie

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