Grateful south end girl | Love the Way We Love

Monday, April 22, 2013

Grateful south end girl

Posted on Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 3:42 PM

This Friday past, I went to my mailbox and found in it a little bubble envelope with my name and info but no return address. I opened it, and there was... my boyfriend's missing iPhone, a month after a leprechaun presumably nipped it during a drunken St. Pat's downtown. It had been completely unlocked and untrackable, but you, kind stranger, must have gone into his contacts and found my address to return it, all it while resisting some very real temptation. We had totally and sadly given it up for gone. And guess what? The day it showed up was my birthday! So thank you, thank you, thank you, kind stranger, for the $700 birthday gift to us, and for sending it obviously without a thought for a reward or credit. I wish I could send this note to you personally. You have a heart of gold. —People Are Wonderful

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