I Can't Have You | Love the Way We Love

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Can't Have You

Posted on Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:00 AM

I want everything that you want. You are everything that I hold dear and respect. I could not have imagined someone as perfect as you. You are actually (no... ACTUALLY) the most beautiful, attractive person I've ever seen and the way you look at me sometimes makes me want to marry you and grow old with you, treasuring every second with you. Wherever I am, I always wish you where there with me. I want to laugh, cry, fight with you and watch our kids grow up and hold your hand when you die (or I die, whatever, hope it would be me first though). I don't know if you know it or not but I would love you as much as anyone ever could and it wouldn't be shitty love, it would be perfect love. It can't happen, and I accept this... but god fucking damn. —Whew

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