Please be Okay | Love the Way We Love

Monday, March 28, 2011

Please be Okay

Posted on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 11:51 AM

You emotionally tormented me for the time we knew each other, so why can't I stop thinking about you? I don't want to get in touch with you—you were never good for me. But you excited me. You were different. I'm not the kind of person you'd usually associate with—I'm pretty white collar. Sometimes you opened up to me, and looked at me with those sad eyes. You were lost. I opened up my heart to you, because I enjoyed your company, and I felt there was something inside you that was reaching out for stability. But you're so self destructive, and for those months, I was run ragged emotionally trying to figure you out. Damn you for making me wonder if you're ok. You used me, played me, treated me terribly. You scared me. I knew you were trouble, but I was drawn too you for some stupid reason. You weren't supposed to tear up when I said it was over.

I hope you're ok. I hope you straighten your life out and find someone good. I hope you realize your better than how you treat yourself. You have good inside you, use it. —Cares Too Much

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