Close Call... | Love the Way We Love

Monday, August 9, 2010

Close Call...

Posted on Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:13 PM

So there I was at the airport in Calgary, tired and worn out after my holiday of camping and hiking in Jasper. We had a fantastic time, and now all we had to do was relax on our flight home to Halifax... And then you arrived.

You sat there on your white-trash ass sucking down a mega-jumbo sized Slurpee though a half-inch bore straw, sounding like a sewage-sucking truck, while your demon-spawn, ADD addled, hyper-active brat terrorized everyone waiting at the gate.

His relentless hammering of the metal garbage can lid showed real talent - You must be proud. You sat there staring into space with the same vapid, bovine stare of a Halifax bar bouncer, unwilling or unable to even act embarrassed by the behavior of your brainless monster.

Your fat gorgon of a wife mercifully wandered away so we didn't have to look at her disgusting mouth-breathing mug. So I wonder if you have the brain matter to even begin to imagine how over-the-moon happy I was when you lifted your ponderous bulk, collected your shithead kid and wifezilla and boarded the flight to St. John's, NFLD!

Halle-fucking-lujah! The flight to Halifax was fine, but your absence made it so much better. Thank you, thank you, thank you. —Mr Happy Sunshine Kittens


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