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Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Monday, November 5, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 12:35 PM

To the four older white ladies who not only talked through the movie The Hate U Give, but laughed during the final emotional climax: You suck. This is a movie about an (all too farmiliar) police shooting of an unarmed black teenager. Yes, the movie falls into some teen drama tropes, but the stressful scenes involving police are not meant for your laughter. This movie was clearly not made for you, but next time try to learn from the movie instead of being insensitive. It may be fiction, but the topic is no laughing matter.
—Tired of justifying human rights

Monday, October 29, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 4:19 PM

Can't wait till you're escorted out of the building. We've all suffered enough. A new dawn is finally on its way.
—Last and loudest laugher

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Posted By on Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 2:49 PM

To the person who stole my wallet from the bus instead of handing it in the the driver: I hope you read this. Not only was that my grocery money and registration money for my son to play basketball this year, but what you don’t get after you tried to make a fancy purchase with my maxed-out credit card is that I am on disability. My bus pass, ID, MSI cards, bank card, credit card and my wallet need to be replaced which is inconvenient, stressful, time consuming, and costly—not to mention what you took and spent which I can’t possibly replace. I can’t imagine you would care, considering your actions, so I hope karma comes right back atcha ASAP.
Disillusioned with life

Monday, July 16, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 11:47 AM

Drivers need to stop sneaking around the corner when the lights are all red and the walk sign is two seconds from turning one. WTF is so important that you don't want to wait and let someone who is trying to get across the street cross? Just because the walk sign isn't yet on is no excuse for trying to cheat the intersection. The street you are turning onto is RED not green. Be considerate an not an asshole.
—Mad as hell

Monday, June 18, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 10:41 AM

So I was taking the bus home from work just the other day, a guy got on the bus. And you know when you know someone is gonna cause trouble? I knew. The entire ride he was loud, and brash, but so it goes. Until two ladies, who I believe were of south Asian heritage, hopped on the bus and sat across from him. And at that point, I knew. My headphones came off, and as expected, racial slurs left his mouth. I won't repeat them, because it's not necessary. 

I wish more than anything that I had the guts to stand up to this guy, but as a small, young female, I knew it could turn violent quickly, and that's not something that I am at all equipped for.  This all happened just behind the driver, who did absolutely nothing. At all. Thankfully, the guy got off at the next stop because he wanted away from the two women. As another passenger was getting off, he said something that I couldn't work out, about the guy. To which the driver responded “Yeah, well we're not supposed to let him on anyway but…” No. Do your job. Keep your passengers safe. —H

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Posted By on Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 4:08 PM

Can someone explain to me why in the fuck fat people get so much goddamn flak from everyone at the gym? YES I know, I am a fat person (and, according to you dicks, don't deserve tolerance or respect in this world), but I'm already at the fucking gym, what more do you want? Everybody seems to be so concerned about my (and every other fat person's) well-being and impact on the health-care system (WTF, BTW), constantly telling us to “just get off the couch,” but then when we do that, you're still an asshole about it Super! 

I know how much you all hate fat people—I hear it every goddamn day.  But then I try to do something good and go to the gym and all I get is those idiotic point-and-laugh bros or the super original “don't break the machine…ahaha…” What is your fucking goal here? Cause if you're trying to rid the world of fat people, you're doing a horrible job.

I've given up on hoping that the world will accept fat people as regular humans, but PLEASE, at least let us try to do something good for our bodies, and stop being such asshats, people. —Angry Fat Person Trying To Be A (Less) Angry Thin Person

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Posted By on Wed, May 30, 2018 at 4:30 PM

I smile and make small talk-that does not mean I want to go out with you, you big-headed ass. 

News flash, guys. I'm just being polite, maybe even friendly. That doesn't mean I'm into you. Get over yourself. —Anti-arrogance

Friday, March 23, 2018

Posted By on Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:07 AM

I have grown to STRONGLY dislike people. Fortunately for me, I am in the hospitality industry.  I dream of moments where I can unleash my true feelings of, "You are an asshole!"

Every day I encounter self entitled, manipulative, deceptive, arrogant, and/or egotistical assholes . Whatever happened to the golden rule "Do unto others as they would have done on to you." Let's bring that one back from the dead. —Golden Girl

Monday, March 19, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 10:58 AM

Why do people ask “is it still for sale?” but then never respond when you say “yes, it’s still for sale.” And when some do respond, they offer $10 for $100 item even though $100 is a good price for said item. If I am willing to sell it for $10 why bother listing it for  $100? And of course the “PS can you deliver from New Glasgow to Antigonish for free?” If you want free shipping go to Amazon.

If you’re going to low-ball someone make the offer in your first email don't bother asking if it’s still for sale just make the offer, don't ask to have it delivered unless you  are willing to pay for that service.  And FFS don't hide behind a spoofed email that Kijiji uses and ask for someone's home address.  Yep I am selling a XYX but here is my home address to someone you have a near impossible chance of tracking after it’s been stolen.

I have gotten some good deals online because I always leave my name and phone number for the seller, If I am busy I usually leave a time frame for a call back. IF I make an low offer I do it in person CASH in hand that shows I am serious.  I never ask for a person’s home address unless  I ready to go. And when I set a time to see a item I show up at that set time. —No It’s Not For Sale To You

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Posted By on Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 4:35 PM

To the assholes on the bus today that had to detour around to the Mackay Bridge due to the Macdonald not opening on time. Your concerns for being late were valid but your concern for human life left me disgusted. You all assumed that the closure was due to a Jumper, yet every one of you had some comment about how this would be jumper, “should jump already” or “could have waited till rush hour was over” because you might not have time to get your morning coffee. Wow! hope that when you got home, you didn’t find out that someone you love, who was hiding his or her depression or problems was the one on the bridge.  You may want to think twice before you open you fucking mouths again! —Just Upset By Mindless People