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Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Posted By on Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM

I realize that I had parked in a no-parking zone. I drove around three times to try to find a legit parking space, but was running out of time. You see, two days ago I miscarried. As I was driving down Vernon to get to work, I finally got a call that my emergency ultrasound was scheduled (which I had been waiting for for days), but I had to get to the hospital in 30 minutes and drink two-to-three litres of water beforehand. I finally decided to park in a no-parking, put my four-ways on and run into the store to get water. I saw you, was nowhere near you when I opened my door, yet you still yelled at me with all the hate and anger you could muster. It left me shook.

Maybe I am a “FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.” But I don’t think I’ve ever met one person who has followed the rules of the road 100 percent all of the time, including you I’m sure. A little compassion goes a long way—and you made an already stressful situation almost unbearable. And I want you to know that.

To the person who wrote “You are awesome!” and “Have a wonderful day!” in chalk on University Avenue: Thank you. I truly needed to read that today!
—No Parking, No Options

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Posted By on Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 2:17 PM

I see it every summer. Stupid people who take their dogs out for walks in a heat wave in the middle of the day. Do you realize how hot that pavement gets on a blistering day? Your dog cannot tell you their paw pads are burning and that they're suffering. Dogs are at the mercy of the intelligence—or lack of it—of their masters.

Please put protective pawwear on your dog's paws before you make them walk for miles in the hot sun with no protection, or leave them at home where they should be. And please bring water for them, too. Today I saw a poor dog being walked with no sign of a water bottle anywhere on the person who was walking the poor animal. Hope they were close to home.
—Pant, Pant!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Posted By on Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 9:42 AM

  To the man sitting in his car outside the Superstore in the BLIP last week: I apologized sincerely several times to you after my mini shopping cart bumped into your passenger side door. I expected grumpiness and momentary irritation (understandable) but the moment the cart touched the door, you began screaming at me. I continued to apologize but instead of accepting my regret at this minor mishap, you escalated in volume. Even once you got out of your car and saw that there was zero damage, you continued at high volume.

This is the first (and, I hope) last time a shopping cart has gotten away from me (I am well into middle age). I am thankful for both of our sakes that there was no damage to your vehicle. I am left shaking my head at your level of anger and lack of manners. A simple "It's OK but don't do it again" would have sufficed on your part.
—Maybe it was the heat?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Posted By on Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 8:00 AM

Really, former employer, do I intimidate you that much? I saw a former employer around town a year after they fired me. I kindly said 'Hi.' What I got in return is an eye roll and the dirtiest look I’ve ever seen someone give. —Kill them bitches with kindness

Monday, June 17, 2019

Posted By on Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:03 AM

I started writing this long rant debunking every single point that people make about why it’s bad to give money to homeless people, and I just got really fucking sad that I felt it was necessary.

The other day I gave a $10 bill to a guy who panhandles downtown near the ferry terminal. I don’t think he is trying to scam anyone. I’ve been targeted by scammers on the street before, and usually they walk around telling everyone a really long story about a family emergency that they need to buy a bus ticket out of town for. They do not typically sit down with a Tim’s cup and a cardboard sign hoping people will give them some change.

What’s the real reason why you are so uncomfortable with seeing this sort of poverty? Is it because deep down you know that it doesn’t need to exist in a country like Canada? Is it because you know that you’re one bad injury or serious illness away from being housing insecure yourself? The people who are profiting off of the sales of the Tim’s cups that so many homeless people use to collect change have been allowed (for some reason) to hoard more wealth than they and their children and their children’s children will ever be able to spend in their lifetimes. And here we are squabbling amongst ourselves, being shitty to people who do not have homes or enough food to eat. Shame on us.
—Eat the Rich

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 3:35 PM

I am sick and tired of all these fucks who think that the flashing light of the pedestrian signal is just a suggestion. It's not a fucking suggestion. It's a demand. Fucking stop means fucking stop!
—Disgruntled walker

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 2:11 PM

OMG - What is wrong with people? On the bus today - both times the #1 - I saw a guy get on with his 'domesticated' rat - no cage, no bag, no leash just tucked up into his hoodie! Who the fuck does that? In retrospect I should have told the driver and had both the guy and his rat thrown off the bus but I didn't want to start a riot! And on then on the way back from Dartmouth another guy decided to change his clothes - did you steal them as another rider suggested? - right on the bus we were treated to your 'show' and dude, let me tell you that was no treat! So the moral of this tale? Please leave your vermin at home but if you must travel with it use a cage or carrier. Secondly if you feel the need to change clothes please wait to do it when you get to your destination. Thank you
- Not taking the #1 for the foreseeable future

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Posted By on Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 3:33 PM

I'm continually shocked at the amount of racism targeted towards people of colour in Halifax's night scene. Being drunk does not place you at liberty to yell racist profanities at brown men (who are minding their own business) and sucker punch them in the face. What's next, are you going to punch them into a coma? Stab them? Kill them? For what? Because of your own insecurities or misplaced anger? What's funny is that these kinds of racists spew hatred towards brown men but fetishize their "exotic" women.
—Scared for my family's wellbeing

Monday, January 14, 2019

Posted By on Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 1:26 PM

I am ready to move from Vancouver to Halifax (or anywhere Maritimes) tomorrow! I've had enough. Then final straw was this holiday season.

My mom died last July. This was my first Christmas alone, without family. I always thoguht I could count on my closest friends for support, but no. No one. No one from curling or Pride or work or any of my communities reached out. No one invited me to anything. No cards, no visits. I got one text and a Bill Murray patch from my "best friend." We are in our late-30s.....not 10 years old.

My work place hasn't even sent condolences.

I thought I should wait and give things time and let folks support me before making a decision. I've decided. It's time to move. I've hated the west coast for decades, and was only here for my mom.

I'm done. I'm actively going to look for work (in the health field) and hope to relocate ASAP and start a new life. There is nothing left for me here and I can't afford it anyway. I have no illusions things would be better there.....but I've been given a big "there is no place for you here" message. —YVRgoodbye

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Posted By on Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 11:47 AM

While watching the Remembrance Day ceremonies I was not at all pleased to hear one of the military personnel being interviewed say "there are no atheists in foxholes." How disrespectful is that toward all the atheists currently serving? My heart seriously sunk to hear it! Just an awful, closed-minded thing to say!
Atheist solider