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Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

Submit a Bitch

Friday, January 17, 2020

Posted By on Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 9:52 AM

Dear neighbour on Fuller Terrace: It's snowing and your dog would like to come in. He has been out there barking for over 30 minutes. I am a block away and I hear him begging to come in out of the cold and wet. You do this every day. Every day you ignore your poor dog. I have had enough. Be responsible or I will call the SPCA.
—The Guy Who Is Not Joking

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Posted By on Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 1:45 PM

I just saw an apartment listing for a vegan apartment for rent. I thought it was bad telling people to smoke and not have pets, now these landlords are trying to control what you eat! Crazy shit going on in the HRM. No wonder nobody can find a place to live with lunacy like this going on. We need to enforce laws preventing landlords from acting like tyrants. This is beyond ridiculous! —Meat Eater Apartment Seeker 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Posted By on Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 2:25 PM

Hey, neighbour (or visitor): The loud and annoying alarm on your precious vehicle, parked in downtown Dartmouth somewhere near the King’s Wharf area, started blasting at various intervals shortly after 6pm on Sunday and continued at least through 6am Monday. This is a district in which shift workers, health-care staffers, students, the elderly and people managing illnesses live. They could use a good night’s sleep. Disarm your alarm, you clueless or inconsiderate twit.
—Sleepless In The Dark Side

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Posted By on Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 3:52 PM

Since I'm sleep-deprived from my neighbour's obnoxious children, I have time to submit this bullshit. I understand that children need to play, and some hyperactive children need to be more annoying when they play. However, just because it is the middle of the day does not mean that everyone is awake. You 9-5ers like to assume that the rest of the world is like you and that "everybody sleeps during the night and is awake during the day." How conceited can you be to forget that some people need to work during the night to provide services that—surprise, surprise—don't go to sleep when you do?

What little sleep I get is my precious escape from this miserable existence.

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Do you think my sleep isn't of value because I work backshift? Maybe you do, but your kids sure don't, and by letting your kids (which are incredibly louder than the average children) make their annoying and menacing laughing (at 12pm, which is still really early), you are teaching them to disregard other people. It's bad enough that I need to drink in order to sleep during the day, I don't also need a wedge in my sleeping schedule, for what little sleep I get is my precious escape from this miserable existence.
—Pissed-off Backshift Worker

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Posted By on Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 9:25 AM

Back at the beginning of June, a local community group had a big yard sale. Many posters were stapled to many hydro poles across the north end. Today plenty of those posters remain, with a number ripped off and thrown to the sidewalk and streets. It would be nice if the sale organizers could organize a take down poster event…as should other people who plaster poles with their yard sale posters, etc.
—Be A Litter Quitter

Friday, July 5, 2019

Posted By on Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 10:00 AM

To the fat-ass  who went out of his way to interrupt my wife and her friends while they were conversing amongst themselves in their native language to tell them that they should speak in English, here’s what you should do: Mind your own fucking business.  I bet you felt like a real big shot harassing three Filipino ladies who were just trying to enjoy an outdoor event. Are you such a fragile failure of a human being that the thought of someone from a different cultural background demands that you harass them for it?

My wife was nicer than I would have been and somehow humoured your bullshit, even though she knew what you were saying was wrong. 

Oh, your grandfather was responsible for immigrants being here (whatever THAT means)? So fucking what? What right would that give YOU to tell anyone what they can and can’t say to each other, or in what language they do it?  In what language do you need to be told that we have freedom of expression in this country before that sinks in, moron?  Was your grandfather the one of driving people from their homes in the first place?  Is that what you meant? Well, your sad existence certainly attests to that possibility. 

My wife and her friends put it behind them and I’ve tried to do the same, but days later this still gnaws at me.  I want to believe that we are better than this and that cowards like you are a shrinking minority.  I want to be able to ignore this as the ranting of some asshole, but I can’t because saying nothing just emboldens dipshits like you.  Silence is complicity.  I was born and raised here and I will not be complicit in letting a limp-dick piece of shit like you be the face of my home.
—Pissed-off Nova Scotian

Monday, June 17, 2019

Posted By on Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:03 AM

I started writing this long rant debunking every single point that people make about why it’s bad to give money to homeless people, and I just got really fucking sad that I felt it was necessary.

The other day I gave a $10 bill to a guy who panhandles downtown near the ferry terminal. I don’t think he is trying to scam anyone. I’ve been targeted by scammers on the street before, and usually they walk around telling everyone a really long story about a family emergency that they need to buy a bus ticket out of town for. They do not typically sit down with a Tim’s cup and a cardboard sign hoping people will give them some change.

What’s the real reason why you are so uncomfortable with seeing this sort of poverty? Is it because deep down you know that it doesn’t need to exist in a country like Canada? Is it because you know that you’re one bad injury or serious illness away from being housing insecure yourself? The people who are profiting off of the sales of the Tim’s cups that so many homeless people use to collect change have been allowed (for some reason) to hoard more wealth than they and their children and their children’s children will ever be able to spend in their lifetimes. And here we are squabbling amongst ourselves, being shitty to people who do not have homes or enough food to eat. Shame on us.
—Eat the Rich

Monday, October 29, 2018

Posted By on Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 4:17 PM

Hey neighbour, do you wear cement shoes on your feet as you stomp up and down the stairwell and hallway at all hours of the night? There is no need to stomp your feet so loud everywhere you walk inside the building—no need for it at all! Walk softly, asshole! The pounding wakes me up out of a dead sleep!
—Your pissed off neighbour

Posted By on Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 4:16 PM

Why is it every time I turn on my vibrator, this one nosy neighbour comes out of his apartment and starts walking up and down the hallway? Mind your business, asshole. Could you give a bitch some privacy? No, I'm not going to open the door someday and invite you in. Get back inside your batcave and fuck off already.
—A bitch trying to cum, here

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Posted By on Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 12:04 PM

Did you check Kijiji before writing the eviction notice? Thank you for waiting until all the students snatched up every livable unit in our price range. We were long-term tenants who paid your mortgage. Thanks for everything.
Crusty in Cole Harbour