Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.
I don’t know if I missed the memo, but at the bus terminal, the departure times now seem to mean “bus driver is going to wander off and then saunter back eventually, we might leave in 10 minutes, depends if I see my friend.” I understand that things may come up, but this has been a daily occurrence for weeks. — Hey I Have Places To Be, Thanks
Why in the fuck are all the liquor stores closed just because there are a few inches of snow down!? We live in Nova Scotia. Why are you so surprised that it snows here? All the buses are running and most of the other stores in the city are open. WTF is your problem, NSLC? There's no reason your employees can't take a bus to work if they don't want to drive on the roads. I walked all the way to the liquor store to find a dark store and locked door. Some other customers who were waiting said they heard the store was opening at 11 instead, so I waited an hour, but the store was still locked up tighter than a fart. So I walk all the way home. Their twitter account said their HRM stores would open by 2 pm. I wait until then, now their fucking twitter says 3 pm. Make up your damn minds! Are you open or closed? Pick a time and commit, you poison peddlers. I've fucking had enough! I'm calling it a day and going to bed. This day is trashed. I think this is the year I'm going to quit drinking from your devil's cup.
—You Bastards Lost A Customer