Bathtub bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bathtub bitch

Posted By on Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 3:20 PM

I'd like to know what clinical moron invented the standard bathtub, which is a completely subpar invention for anyone above four feet tall who wasn't born with a super-bendy gooseneck. Poured myself a hot bath to nurse my raging PMS cramps, but my knees, tits and most importantly my gut sticks out a foot above the surface of the water. Nothing soothing about pretzelling your limbs into a porcelain coffin built for a child, your head jerked at an uncomfortable right angle, throat folded nearly in half, like a kink in a garden hose to cut off your breath. With today's technology churning out new iPhone after new iPhone, why can't someone reinvent something necessary and worthwhile for once? Like bathtubs, because they fucking SUCK! — Hell Above High Water

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