Anti-"fascists' | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, October 3, 2019


Posted By on Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 2:55 PM

Antifa really isn't against fascists, at least no more so than the vast majority of people in western countries whose ancestors fought against them three-quarters of a century ago. Rather they have convinced themselves (and many others) that everyone even remotely similar to the individuals who bullied them or their friends and family members when they were young is a fascist. Why? Because being bullied has driven them insane, and they have an overwhelming need to dehumanize everyone they see as the enemy. It also helps that fascism doesn't exist in this day and age in any significant quantity, and so there are no real fascists to disavow all the people who they have classified as fascists. That said, I would not condone further exasperating the issue by continuing to bully them, nor do I think it is wise to encourage the fulfillment of violent revenge fantasies in individuals suffering from borderline personal disorder, or anyone else's violent revenge fantasies for that matter.
—Infinite Contrast Is Hard On The Mind's Eye

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