Ready to drop your pitchforks yet? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, September 20, 2019

Ready to drop your pitchforks yet?

Posted By on Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 12:12 PM

Toxic callout culture mob mentality "warriors"—are you ready to drop your pitchforks yet? Callout culture is ending, and everyone now notices how every time your group disagrees with people or has conflict, they're cancelled. YOU are scarier to people in the community than the people you cancel, but people are too afraid of your social power to stand up to you—mostly for fear of being blacklisted and isolated from any community contact. How does it feel knowing that the marginalized and underprivileged hoard that you blacklisted from accessing any resources in their own community are coming back with a vengeance? Have you come to terms with your own privilege? Are you able to move past your own stumbling blocks? Hmm.
—Human Fucking Being

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