To the person who called me a "fucking piece of shit" on Vernon Street this morning | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

To the person who called me a "fucking piece of shit" on Vernon Street this morning

Posted By on Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM

I realize that I had parked in a no-parking zone. I drove around three times to try to find a legit parking space, but was running out of time. You see, two days ago I miscarried. As I was driving down Vernon to get to work, I finally got a call that my emergency ultrasound was scheduled (which I had been waiting for for days), but I had to get to the hospital in 30 minutes and drink two-to-three litres of water beforehand. I finally decided to park in a no-parking, put my four-ways on and run into the store to get water. I saw you, was nowhere near you when I opened my door, yet you still yelled at me with all the hate and anger you could muster. It left me shook.

Maybe I am a “FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.” But I don’t think I’ve ever met one person who has followed the rules of the road 100 percent all of the time, including you I’m sure. A little compassion goes a long way—and you made an already stressful situation almost unbearable. And I want you to know that.

To the person who wrote “You are awesome!” and “Have a wonderful day!” in chalk on University Avenue: Thank you. I truly needed to read that today!
—No Parking, No Options

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