Is sleep no longer important? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Is sleep no longer important?

Posted By on Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 3:52 PM

Since I'm sleep-deprived from my neighbour's obnoxious children, I have time to submit this bullshit. I understand that children need to play, and some hyperactive children need to be more annoying when they play. However, just because it is the middle of the day does not mean that everyone is awake. You 9-5ers like to assume that the rest of the world is like you and that "everybody sleeps during the night and is awake during the day." How conceited can you be to forget that some people need to work during the night to provide services that—surprise, surprise—don't go to sleep when you do?

What little sleep I get is my precious escape from this miserable existence.

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Do you think my sleep isn't of value because I work backshift? Maybe you do, but your kids sure don't, and by letting your kids (which are incredibly louder than the average children) make their annoying and menacing laughing (at 12pm, which is still really early), you are teaching them to disregard other people. It's bad enough that I need to drink in order to sleep during the day, I don't also need a wedge in my sleeping schedule, for what little sleep I get is my precious escape from this miserable existence.
—Pissed-off Backshift Worker

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