The last straw | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 14, 2019

The last straw

Posted By on Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 1:26 PM

I am ready to move from Vancouver to Halifax (or anywhere Maritimes) tomorrow! I've had enough. Then final straw was this holiday season.

My mom died last July. This was my first Christmas alone, without family. I always thoguht I could count on my closest friends for support, but no. No one. No one from curling or Pride or work or any of my communities reached out. No one invited me to anything. No cards, no visits. I got one text and a Bill Murray patch from my "best friend." We are in our late-30s.....not 10 years old.

My work place hasn't even sent condolences.

I thought I should wait and give things time and let folks support me before making a decision. I've decided. It's time to move. I've hated the west coast for decades, and was only here for my mom.

I'm done. I'm actively going to look for work (in the health field) and hope to relocate ASAP and start a new life. There is nothing left for me here and I can't afford it anyway. I have no illusions things would be better there.....but I've been given a big "there is no place for you here" message. —YVRgoodbye

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