To the guy who threw the Salsa at me… | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, September 18, 2017

To the guy who threw the Salsa at me…

Posted By on Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:41 AM

I realize that you didn't like waiting in a long line at the checkout, I hate it too, but to throw salsa at me while I was trying to close and clean was just plan rude! It's not my fault that we are under staffed, call the manager for god's sake, don't take it out on me. Really? You just made yourself look like a complete asshole in front of everyone else, unless they are also assholes as well. Take it up with management, not me. I don't allocate hours for cashiers, I don't close cause I don't give a shit, I close because they don't pay me past my allocated hours. Ten minutes past my shift, I don't get paid for that, keep that in mind the next time you decide to chuck shit at someone because you are too angry to wait in line. Jerk!
-Pissed off cashier

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