Accountability | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, December 8, 2016


Posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 4:00 AM

I think people need to start taking more responsibility for their own health. So much emphasis is placed on the ‘failing health care system’, which yes, is overburdened, but whatever happened to personal accountability?
Doctors might see you once or twice a year, how are they supposed to ‘fix’ what you don’t care about on the other 363 days of the year? Guess what: you smoke, you drink, you're obese, you barely move from your couch, your attitude is terrible. Nobody is shocked you don’t feel well, and your negativity is poison to your wellness! For the people who have these attitudes like "I need help! I need meds! Nobody is doing anything for me! All doctors and nurses are stupid and useless!", here is a your prescription- take some responsibility.
You are not powerless, there are many things you can modify both psychologically and physiologically. Take yourself for a walk around the block, modify your diet, let go of hate and blame and try being kind; pills aren’t your only answer. We all want a quick fix, but it doesn’t exist! Health is hard work, but you are capable of being so much more helpful to yourself than anyone else can! You can do this, let 2017 be your year.—Tough Love

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